Wayne Swan

-> Wayne Swan

Wayne Swan served as the Treasurer of Australia for nearly six years, including three years as Deputy Prime Minister. He is the National President of the Australian Labor Party,

Mr Swan was awarded Euromoney Finance Minister of the Year in 2011 for his ‘careful stewardship of Australia’s finances and economic performance’ during the global financial crisis.

He is the author of Postcode: The Splintering of a Nation (2005) and The Good Fight: Six years, two prime ministers and staring down the Great Recession (2014).

More recently, Mr Swan has co-authored the Report of the Commission on Inclusive Prosperity, commissioned by the Center for American Progress and published the article Financing Sustainable Development – What can we learn from the Australian experience of reform? for the United Nations Social and Economic Commission in the Asia Pacific (UN-ESCAP). 

Mr Swan chairs the UN-ESCAP Eminent Expert Group (EEG) on Tax Policy and Public Expenditure Management for Sustainable Development. In 2015 he attended the UN General Assembly in the Australian delegation, during which time he was a Senior Fellow at Yale University’s Institute for Global Affairs, giving a series of seminars on political and economic reform in the 21st century with a focus on contemporary Australian experiences.

Follow him on @SwannyQLD