Press releases

ICRICT welcomes PTLAC’s presidency of Chile and the support of its members for Brazil’s G20 proposal for a minimum tax on the super-rich.

The Independent Commission For the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT) welcomes the Chilean presidency of the Regional Platform for Tax Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean (PTLAC) and calls upon the Chilean government to continue to foster a regional tax dialogue and expand it to the rest of Latin American countries. ICRICT also […]

7 May 2024

A historic win for global tax justice  

22 November 2023  Today marks the beginning of a historic shift to recover fairness and inclusiveness in global taxation. A vote by a majority of 77 countries at the UN is a clear sign for more and better multilateralism on tax standards, to put an end to tax abuses by multinationals and the rich.   […]

23 November 2023


NEW YORK – This week will witness either a historic achievement in creating a more equitable global economy or a terrible failure. A vote at the United Nations decides whether the future of global decision-making on taxation will emerge from the negotiation of a genuinely inclusive framework convention, or if a group of rich countries […]

22 November 2023

Open Letter to IMF Managing Director on Sri Lanka

We are alarmed to be informed that the Sri Lankan Ministry of Finance is now under severe pressure from the IMF to drop their plans for a digital service tax and to sign on to the Two Pillar solution as a condition for receiving additional lending from the IMF.

It is unacceptable that a small and distressed country such as Sri Lanka is being pushed to give up its sovereign right to introduce a tax policy, digital taxation, at a time when it is most needed, and especially so before there is a ratified global agreement providing for alternatives. We urge the IMF to stop pressuring Sri Lanka to withdraw its digital services tax proposal.

11 July 2023

ICRICT’s letter to United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres

On 30 December 2022, the General Assembly adopted a resolution on “Promotion of inclusive and effective tax cooperation at the United Nations” that reaffirms international commitments to scale up international tax cooperation, fight illicit financial flows and combat aggressive tax avoidance and evasion. The Secretary-General invited Member States and relevant stakeholders to send him written inputs. Here is ICRICT’s letter to Mr. António Guterres.

20 March 2023

International Women’s Day, 2023 To Strengthen Women’s Resilience to Disasters, Make Wealthiest Pay Their Fair Share

An Opinion piece by Magdalena Sepúlveda

Gender inequality exacerbates the impact of natural disasters, and the consequences of natural disasters compound gender inequality. States must introduce progressive taxation to finance the expansion of rights such as universal access to health care and education, and strengthen women's resilience to natural hazards, including climate change.

8 March 2023

ICRICT welcomes the announcement of the first Latin American and Caribbean tax Summit in Colombia

The Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT) welcomes the announcement by Colombia's Minister of Finance, and former ICRICT Chair, José Antonio Ocampo, to convene the first-ever Ministerial Tax Summit for the Latin American and Caribbean region in July 2023 in Cartagena (Colombia). Without coordination, it will not be possible to put an effective end to the abuse of tax havens or to curb tax evasion and avoidance. It’s time for Latin America and the Caribbean to work together to jointly build fairer taxation initiatives, a true fiscal pact.

17 January 2023

ICRICT celebra el anuncio de la primera cumbre fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe en Colombia

ICRICT celebra el anuncio del ministro de Hacienda de Colombia, y anterior presidente de la ICRICT, José Antonio Ocampo, de convocar la primera Cumbre Ministerial para la región de América Latina y el CaribeHacia una tributación global incluyente, sostenible y equitativa” en julio de este año en Cartagena (Colombia).   Sin coordinación, no será posible poner fin de manera efectiva al abuso de los paraísos fiscales, ni frenar la evasión y la elusión fiscal. América Latina y el Caribe se merece por fin mirar un espacio para construir iniciativas conjuntamente una fiscalidad más justa, un verdadero pacto fiscal.

17 January 2023

L’ICRICT se félicite de l’annonce du premier sommet fiscal d’Amérique latine et des Caraïbes en Colombie

ICRICT se réjouit de l'annonce faite par José Antonio Ocampo le Ministre des Finances de Colombie et ancien Président de l'ICRICT, de l’organisation du premier sommet ministériel pour la région Amérique Latine et Caraïbes en juillet 2023 à Carthagène (Colombie). Sans coordination, il ne sera pas possible de mettre efficacement fin à l'abus des paradis fiscaux, ni de freiner la fraude et l'évasion fiscales. L'Amérique latine et les Caraïbes méritent d’avoir enfin un espace pour construire conjointement des initiatives pour une fiscalité plus juste, un véritable pacte fiscal.

17 January 2023

EU Agreement to implement the global minimum tax is a step forward, but not enough

ICRICT welcomes the agreement reached by the EU member states to implement the 15% effective minimum taxation component - known as Pillar Two of the G20/OECD’s “global tax deal” - as a first step towards a comprehensive reform of international taxation of multinationals. However, ICRICT advocates for a 25% minimum tax rate, and we have legitimate concerns that the agreement on such a low global minimum rate will turn out to be the global standard and a reform that was intended to make sure multinationals pay their fair share will then end up doing just the opposite.

14 December 2022